Are you already asking how a single activity can completely change anyone's life? Well, let's focus on the inspiring story of Ana Martins, alias Ana Decor or Aninha, a Rabaterapia student who found in dance not only a fun way to exercise, but also a welcoming community and a new horizon for her life, here in Montreal. In this article, we will explore her journey and give you an insight into how dance (and RBTR) has transformed her life!

Ana is an intrepid Brazilian woman who arrived in Montreal by pure coincidence two days before the closure of airports due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With three children and a husband, she had to cope with emotional problems and the difficulties of adapting to a foreign country. Cependant, une découverte inattendue allait changer sa vie pour le mieux : une rencontre fortuite dans un restaurant brésilien.
Here, my friends, on the day that Gui and I officially registered RBTR as a dance school, we found ourselves in a café in downtown Montreal. All while discussing the website, our ideas, the bureaucratic aspects of opening a dance school and everything in between, Ana was there to greet us! She had lots of questions about the courses, their placement, the timetable, how she could sign up... And as such, she became our first RABA VICADA - that's what we call our members who come twice a week, which translates as RABA ACCRO. And now, a little more than a year after this meeting, Ana is the person who attends all our courses and activities, can you believe it?
Mais pensez-vous que cet amour pour la danse a commencé récemment ? Oh no! Ana has always wanted to dance, and her passion goes back to her childhood when she practiced jazz. During her university studies, she explored zouk and ballroom dancing. After the arrival of the pandemic, Ana began to look for a fun and exciting physical activity that wasn't so ennuyeuse. C'est alors qu'elle est tombée sur une vidéo RBTR sur Instagram, et quelques jours plus tard, elle a trouvés nous dans ce restaurant ! "The atmosphere at Raba is incredibly welcoming... I'm extremely shy, and if I'd felt a slight difference between the students, I might have been disappointed. It's really special to combine physical activity with pleasure without even realizing it. It's a truly great atmosphere!" said Aninha.

Since she started dancing at the RBTR, Ana has experienced a series of physical and mental benefits, as she described: "L'objectif d'améliorer la circulation sanguine a été atteint, et bien d'autres encore, comome sortir de la solitude dans laquelle j'étais, me faire des amis, sortir plus souvent... Je ne savais même pas à quel point j'en avais besoin lorsque Raba a commencé !" - Knowing this really strengthens our hearts! Parce que je sais exactement ce qu'Ana décrit ici. The life of an immigrant is not easy... It's not just about giving up the comfort of your own home and recommending yourself to others; it's also about facing the trial, the loneliness and the sadness of being away from the warmth of your country of origin. Before the RBTR, Ana told us that she had gone through some very difficult times, feeling isolated and depressed in Canada. But since she started dancing, her physical and mental health has improved dramatically, she has widened her social circle and she has been able to envisage a brighter future!

Ana put forward a memorable experience: her participation in the Raba BallShe combines her passion for dance and decoration. For those who don't know, even though she lives in Canada, Ana runs an event decoration company in Brazil. And now, she's trying to make her place in this field here in Montreal too. She was responsible for the decoration of the first two Baile da Raba which took place at Bain Mathieu here in Montreal. In fact, if you want to see more of Ana's work, you just need to click here ! She's incredible!

J'ai demandé à Ana comment elle voyait Rabaterapia contribuer à la scène de la communauté brésilienne à Montréal, et elle a partagé sa perspective inspirante : "I see Rabaterapia as a great step forward for Brazilian culture in Montreal. It's not just a matter of integrating our culture into a larger group called Latin culture, which is often detached from our reality. It's an opportunity to experience a taste of Brazil, something familiar and welcoming to us, but which also attracts people from other nationalities because of its welcoming and contagious atmosphere. It is undoubtedly an oasis for the immigrants who live in this town.“
Ana points out that Raba's courses are accessible to all levels of experience, as there is no pressure to achieve results. Each student can progress at their own pace, while respecting their individual limits. This reflects Rabaterapia's philosophy, where dance is a means of expressing oneself, of well-being and belonging, and where our commitment is to provide a supportive environment for everyone. Jetez un coup d'œil à Ana donnant tout ce qu'elle a sur l'air de RabaHit Sou Musa do Verão :
Ana's journey with RBTR is an inspiring example of how dance can transform lives and create welcoming communities. If you're thinking of joining RBTR Dance Studio, follow Ana's advice: just come! You will find your place, and like Ana, you will discover a new horizon for your life! At RBTR, dance is not simply a movement; it is a path towards self-expression, well-being and belonging. We offer a wide range of dance courses, including Brazilian music, pop divas, jazz funk, yoga, simple living, and much more. Whether you are an experienced dancer or just starting out, our studio is a safe space where everyone is encouraged to shine!
Aninha, I would like to express my deep gratitude for being part of this inspiring story and for showing how dance can transform lives! Je suis sûr que je parle au nom de Gui et de moi-même ici, car votre courage, votre passion et votre dévouement sont vraiment admirables, et vous êtes devenue une partie intégrante de notre communauté chez RBTR Studio de Danse ! Merci pour tout <3